Rebecca Goodheart
Director ~ Actor ~ Classical Acting & Voice Teacher
I am not currently offering any classes open to the public,
but welcome inquiries about private sessions.
See below for sample classes I have taught in the past!

Beginning Voice for Performers
January 7 thru February 4
Wednesdays 7-10pm thru February 4
at Berkeley Rep School of Theater, $210
CLICK HERE to Register
Voice for Actors
January 17 thru April 18
Saturdays 10:00am-12:30
Twelve Sessions, $350
Marin Art & Garden Center
Ross, CA
Beyond Iambic: Playing Shakespeare's Patterns

February 11 thru February 4
Wednesdays 7-10pm thru March 4
at Berkeley Rep School of Theater, $145
CLICK HERE to Register
Language, we all know, is the key to unlocking the secrets of character and action in Shakespeare’s plays, but there is an actor’s goldmine beyond meter and scansion in the ornamental and seemingly literary flourishes of Shakespeare’s densely figured patterns. How can an actor actively use what, at first blush, feels like arcane poetry to create immediate, ferocious, and relevant performances for a modern audience? How do we fully embody not just Shakespeare’s words and pentameter, but his rhetorical patterning? This 12-hour, four week mini-course for advanced actors will explore how to actively use Shakespeare’s rhetoric on stage through techniques and exercises designed to increase your sensitivity to rhetorical structures, reconnect your body and your thought through language, and restore your innate joy of playing with words. In addition to exercises, we will work with several Shakespeare speeches, and actors will have a chance to work with a speech they have in their repertoire.