Rebecca Goodheart
Director ~ Actor ~ Classical Acting & Voice Teacher
I am currently busy as the Producing Artistic Director of Elm Shakespeare Company
& teaching at Southern CT State University & Trinity College in CT.
Next up...
teaching at the Month Long Intensive at Shakespeare & Co.
and directing Dr. Faustus at SCSU in February... hope to see you there!

Voice for Performers STARTS JANUARY 7
Wednesdays 7-10pm thru February 4
at Berkeley Rep School of Theater, $210

Come & Join!
Beginning Voice for Performers
Each one of us has a voice that’s capable of freely expressing a wide gamut of emotions and the subtlest of thoughts. So often though, we don’t experience this. When working on a piece of text, the emotions don’t come, they get trapped in the throat, or we “get in our head.” We find ourselves pushing and then feeling hoarse, sore, or we lose our voices all together. The voice work of Kristin Linklater, known as Freeing The Natural Voice, aims to restore the connection of our creative impulses to our voice. The result is a voice that is transparent and a voice that reveals, rather than merely describes the actor’s own unique inner world. In this class, you will learn the basics of this technique as you develop awareness of what is interfering with your natural voice, as well as tools and techniques for freeing your breath, connecting thoughts and feelings to your voice, and freeing sound from your body. You will have a chance to apply the voice work to a monologue and learn a sure-fire personal warm up.

2016 Global Celebration of Shakespeare's Legacy
On April 23, 1616, the magic and glory of Shakespeare’s plays and poetry stopped belonging to Shakespeare and started belonging to the world. Following in the footsteps of the 1916 global commemoration of William Shakespeare’s death, the Shakespeare Theater Association is planning a yearlong celebration in collaboration with other international organizations including Kings College and the British Council. STA Projects include celebrations in theaters everywhere, a Shakespeare Theater Passport Program, Folger Library's Tour of the First Folio, We are Shakespeare: A Digital Film Initiative, and much more. Contact me to get involved HERE! For more information about Shakespeare Theatre Association go HERE!

Instituto Gandarela - Globe Brazil
Working with Mcurdy Co., the Brazilian Government, Petrobras, BNEDES, Vale and many others, Mauro Maya is creating the next great Shakespearean Theater - Globe Brasil. Located in Rio Acima just outside Belo Horizonte, Instituto Gandarela will offer a recreation of Shakespeare's Globe Theater (with Brazilian influences) on a cultural complex with two theaters, rehearsal and classroom space, a garden, and cafe -- all as part of the Minas Gerais Cultural Circuit. I am thrilled to have worked on the team this past year, and look forward to more adventures. Find out more at HERE!